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Sardinia 4 star accommodation

The Colonna San Marco Hotel, 4 star accommodation in Sardinia, bases its exclusivity on its location, in the well-known Piazzetta san Marco in Porto Rotondo, famous all over the world. The important port - almost circular in shape - with the exclusive boats of the internatonal jet set, is just a few steps away.

A 4 star accommodation in Sardinia where setting, service and ambience are the main features. Great care is given to guests’ particular needs. The same attention is given to the comfort and style of its rooms, with all the Mediterranean freshness and brightness. The Lobby, simple and on different levels, is fresh and tastefully furnished, with charming corners and lovely views of unique beauty.

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al Hotel Colonna San Marco
1921 - 2021 Chent'annos!
100 anni di ospitalità italiana